Fiat / Alfa / Lancia learning CODE2 keys

Key failed during learning

We regularly receive questions from car companies about learning Fiat / Alfa / Lancia CODE2 keys. Learning in one or more keys does not succeed and the car company then decides to consult our specialists. What is important is the following:

  • Fiat / Alfa / Lancia CODE2 system. This generation of immobiliser is still in use today. The transponders of the CODE2 system contain so-called pre-coding. Pre-coding means that the transponder contains a certain encryption that is also stored in the vehicle's Body Control Module. When ordering CODE2 keys, the pre-coding must be taken into account. Order based on VIN number.
  • All keys must always be taught during a programming session!
  • Pin code is necessary. This is listed on the codecard, which comes new with the car, or can be found out via a remote diagnostics session.

Not all keys taught at the same time

The most common mistake is not teaching all keys at the same time. For example, because the spare key was still at home. Unfortunately, when this happens, the spare key that was at home can no longer be programmed on the car in a normal way. The solution Fiat Group then offers is a new key. However, CODE2 keys are not cheap.


If it is a remote control key, we can, together with Car Lock Systems, offer an alternative to new. Using the Jifeline remote diagnostics interface we extract the data needed to repair the key from the car's on-board electronics. The key that is no longer programmable should be sent to Car Lock Systems where it can be repaired.

In summary, it works as follows:

  • Reading out immobiliser data with the Jifeline remote diagnostic interface
  • Send the defective key to Car Lock Systems
  • If the key is repaired by Car Lock Systems, it should be re-learned on the car along with all other keys

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